Monday, April 13, 2009

Did anyone read da entire series of manga...Fruit Basket?

i really wanna read da entire series...i think there are 23 of them. i only read 13 of them cuz US dont have them....anyone read all 23 of them? if u did can u summarize wat happened?

Did anyone read da entire series of manga...Fruit Basket?
*sigh Here is past questions with the same things you have been talking about:;...;...;...

Please look at resolved questions, that way, you don%26#039;t need to waste five points to get answers.
Reply:you can read it yourself. if those don%26#039;t work then:

then you can go to

manga volume has chapter 1-126 aand 128-134.

conanmagic has volume 22, chapter 126, and chapter 128-chapter 136.

mangavolume might not work sometimes.

conanmagic might make a loud noise when you open it up.

any questions you can ask me, my email is but tell me who you are.

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